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外籍英语培训师: EF的核心与灵魂




成人英语外教 Dustin Naidoo 北京中关村中心

培训师 Dustin Naidoo 北京中关村中心

在过去的 21 个月里,Dustin已经成为他所在中心的楷模。他的热情、对个人发展的承诺,以及积极承担各种责任的热忱,使他成为真正的明星教师。

Over the past 21 months with EF, Dustin has become a role model at his center. His passion, commitment to development, and eagerness to take on all types of responsibilities are what make him a true STAR teacher.

成人英语外教 Louise Liang 广州高德置地中心

培训师 Louise Liang 广州高德置地中心

Louise 是广州最资深的团队成员之一,在 EFEC 工作了近 7 年。她已经证明了自己是最受欢迎的教师之一,也是最有价值的员工之一,这清楚地体现在她稳居高位的学员满意度评分,学生的交口称赞以及 EEA活动的高人气上。

One of the most senior team members from Guangzhou, Louise has been with EFEC for almost 7 years. She has proven herself to be one of the most popular teachers and one of the most valuable members of staff, which is clearly reflected by her consistently high ACES, sweet comments from students, and high attendance of her EEAs.

成人英语外教 Penny Sun 北京万寿路中心

培训师 Penny Sun 北京万寿路中心

Penny 是一个创造性的问题解决者。作为一名初学者专家,她不仅设计了新的学生手册和学习技巧课程以帮助改善新学生的体验,还领导了 北京万寿路中心 的“让我们聊天”播客项目,以帮助初学者建立语言基础,增强他们的信心。

Among other things, Penny is a creative problem-solver. As a former Beginner Expert, not only did she design a New Student Booklet and Study Tips Sessions to help improve new students’ experience, but she also led the Let’s Chat Podcast Project at WSL to assist beginner students in building their language foundation and boosting their confidence.

成人英语外教 Genevieve Wang 北京中关村中心

培训师 Genevieve Wang 北京中关村中心


Genevieve started her EF journey as a student, and thus, the student experience is vital to her. She always puts forward ideas for improving her center. For instance: setting up a daily Student-Led Activity for low-level students, which is jammed-packed with Beginners who are filled of enthusiasm for English.

成人英语外教 Brendan Schatzki  东莞南城中心

培训师 Brendan Schatzki 东莞南城中心

Brendan 目前担任中心的英文环境大使,他喜欢与学生在课堂内外进行交流,并且总是为中心的纯英文环境带来很多能量。他的“音乐角”英语沙龙活动更是特别受欢迎,参与者不仅有学生也会有中心工作人员,你经常会发现他在唱歌和弹钢琴。

Brendan, who is currently in the EEC leadership role, loves engaging with students in and out of the classroom and always brings a lot of energy to the English environment. His music corner EEA is especially popular, not just with students but also with staff, and you’ll often find him singing and playing the piano.


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