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我已阅读并同意 EF 的 隐私政策

我已理解并同意 EF 将根据其 隐私政策 与境内外的关联方和/或第三方共享我的个人信息。




在今天的音频中,本来就会时常疑惑自己是否生病的Clifford看到一个推销产品的电视广告,广告使用了简单的三个问题(Do you have any energy? 你有精气神吗?),让Clifford确认自己就是病了,但其实很可能只是他熬夜太多导致的。很离谱的是,这个产品不单能让人远离病痛,居然还能去污、去渍、去霉。这如果是真的,岂不是人类有史以来最伟大的发明?




我已阅读并同意 EF 的 隐私政策

我已理解并同意 EF 将根据其 隐私政策 与境内外的关联方和/或第三方共享我的个人信息。









GUY ON TV: Hello everyone!

GUY ON TV: 大家好!


GUY ON TV: My name is Timothy Thompson and I'm here tonight to share with you an exciting new product.

GUY ON TV: 我叫Timothy Thompson,我今晚要和你们分享一个很棒的新产品。


GUY ON TV: But first let me ask you three simple questions.

GUY ON TV: 但是首先让我来问你们3个简单的问题吧。


GUY ON TV: Do you have any energy?

GUY ON TV: 你有精气神吗?


CLIFFORD: I have no energy.

CLIFFORD: 我没有精气神。


GUY ON TV: Do you have a fever?

GUY ON TV: 你发烧了吗?


CLIFFORD: I have a temperature of 101.

CLIFFORD: 我的体温是101度。


GUY ON TV: Have your eyes been troubling you lately?

GUY ON TV: 最近你的眼睛有不舒服吗?


GUY ON TV: Do they not quite seem to be the same shade anymore?

GUY ON TV: 看东西的时候会有重影吗?


CLIFFORD: My liver is failing.

CLIFFORD: 我的肝衰弱。


GUY ON TV: Well you know what that means.

GUY ON TV: 你知道这意味着什么。


GUY ON TV: You're got axelphataltrinominitis!!

GUY ON TV: 你得了axelphataltrinominitis!!


GUY ON TV: that's right axelphataltrinominitis!

GUY ON TV: 对的,就是axelphataltrinominitis


GUY ON TV: But fear not, because I Timothy Thompson am here to introduce you to my new wonder drug: 'Axcel-cide'.

GUY ON TV: 但是不要担心,因为我Timothy Thompson在这里会介绍给你一种神奇的新药:“Axcel-cide”


GUY ON TV: Made from imported herbs and spices from the Far East, just two drops of Axcel-cide every day, six times a day, three times an hour will ensure that your case of axelphataltrinominitis is a thing of the past.

GUY ON TV: 它是用远东的进口草药和香料制成的,每天只要服用6次,每次2粒。每小时服用3次就能保证让你的病远离你。


GUY ON TV: That's right,



GUY ON TV: But wait!

GUY ON TV: 但是等等!


GUY ON TV: There's more!

GUY ON TV: 还有更多!


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide also works as a fantastic cleaning solvent.

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide也是一种神奇的洗涤剂。


GUY ON TV: Got grime in your bathtub?

GUY ON TV: 你的浴缸里有污渍吗?


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: Got stains on your clothes?

GUY ON TV: 你的衣服上有污渍吗?


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: Got a nasty case of mildew in your grouting?

GUY ON TV: 泥浆里有发霉的东西吗?


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: Got gunk on the bottom of your favorite pots and pans?

GUY ON TV: 你最爱的壶和盘的底部有黏糊糊的东西吗?


GUY ON TV: Axel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: There's nothing Axcel-cide won't do to improve the quality of your home.

GUY ON TV: 没有什么是Axcel-cide不能做的,它真正地提高了你家庭的生活质量。


GUY ON TV: Don't take my word for it.

GUY ON TV: 你不用相信我的话。


GUY ON TV: I discovered this miracle.

GUY ON TV: 我发现了这个奇迹。


GUY ON TV: Have a little listen to these lovely ladies and gents who've tried and flaming love my product.

GUY ON TV: 来听听看这些试用过我的产品并深深爱上它的女士们先生们是怎么说的。




GUY ON TV: Hello everyone!

GUY ON TV: 大家好!


GUY ON TV: My name is Timothy Thompson and I'm here tonight to share with you an exciting new product.

GUY ON TV: 我叫Timothy Thompson,我今晚要和你们分享一个很棒的新产品。


GUY ON TV: But first let me ask you three simple questions.

GUY ON TV: 但是首先让我来问你们3个简单的问题吧。


GUY ON TV: Do you have any energy?

GUY ON TV: 你有精气神吗?


CLIFFORD: I have no energy.

CLIFFORD: 我没有精气神。


GUY ON TV: Do you have a fever?

GUY ON TV: 你发烧了吗?


CLIFFORD: I have a temperature of 101.

CLIFFORD: 我的体温是101度。


GUY ON TV: Have your eyes been troubling you lately?

GUY ON TV: 最近你的眼睛有不舒服吗?


GUY ON TV: Do they not quite seem to be the same shade anymore?

GUY ON TV: 看东西的时候会有重影吗?


CLIFFORD: My liver is failing.

CLIFFORD: 我的肝衰弱。


GUY ON TV: Well you know what that means.

GUY ON TV: 你知道这意味着什么。


GUY ON TV: You're got axelphataltrinominitis!!

GUY ON TV: 你得了axelphataltrinominitis!!


GUY ON TV: that's right axelphataltrinominitis!

GUY ON TV: 对的,就是axelphataltrinominitis


GUY ON TV: But fear not, because I Timothy Thompson am here to introduce you to my new wonder drug: 'Axcel-cide'.

GUY ON TV: 但是不要担心,因为我Timothy Thompson在这里会介绍给你一种神奇的新药:“Axcel-cide”


GUY ON TV: Made from imported herbs and spices from the Far East, just two drops of Axcel-cide every day, six times a day, three times an hour will ensure that your case of axelphataltrinominitis is a thing of the past.

GUY ON TV: 它是用远东的进口草药和香料制成的,每天只要服用6次,每次2粒。每小时服用3次就能保证让你的病远离你。


GUY ON TV: That's right,



GUY ON TV: But wait!

GUY ON TV: 但是等等!


GUY ON TV: There's more!

GUY ON TV: 还有更多!


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide also works as a fantastic cleaning solvent.

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide也是一种神奇的洗涤剂。


GUY ON TV: Got grime in your bathtub?

GUY ON TV: 你的浴缸里有污渍吗?


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: Got stains on your clothes?

GUY ON TV: 你的衣服上有污渍吗?


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: Got a nasty case of mildew in your grouting?

GUY ON TV: 泥浆里有发霉的东西吗?


GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axcel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: Got gunk on the bottom of your favorite pots and pans?

GUY ON TV: 你最爱的壶和盘的底部有黏糊糊的东西吗?


GUY ON TV: Axel-cide it!

GUY ON TV: Axel-cide吧!


GUY ON TV: There's nothing Axcel-cide won't do to improve the quality of your home.

GUY ON TV: 没有什么是Axcel-cide不能做的,它真正地提高了你家庭的生活质量。


GUY ON TV: Don't take my word for it.

GUY ON TV: 你不用相信我的话。


GUY ON TV: I discovered this miracle.

GUY ON TV: 我发现了这个奇迹。


GUY ON TV: Have a little listen to these lovely ladies and gents who've tried and flaming love my product.

GUY ON TV: 来听听看这些试用过我的产品并深深爱上它的女士们先生们是怎么说的。







我已阅读并同意 EF 的 隐私政策

我已理解并同意 EF 将根据其 隐私政策 与境内外的关联方和/或第三方共享我的个人信息。


