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谁是你心中的Star Teacher?



谁是你心中的Star Teacher?


Star Teacher



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Tommy Dong

Beijing, 亚运村中心

Join in 2010

After two years with EF, Tommy completed his TEFL certificate. He was determined to become a teacher, and therefore further earned his CELTA in 2018. He then rejoined EF as a local teacher in 2021, drawing on his background in service and his passion for teaching to become highly effective in his new role.

Tommy believes that a teachers role is not only to deliver lessons, but also to support and assist everyone involved in our studentslearning process. To this end, he recognizes the importance of actively communicating with progress managers about Pro and Pro VIP studentslearning goals and progress, and he goes above and beyond to attend to individual studentsneeds.

Tommys eagerness to develop his own language and teaching skills, his initiative, his service mindset, and the support he has consistently provided to students, co-workers, and the center are what makes him a true star teacher.




Greg Horowitz

Shenzhen, 南山中心

Join in 2013

Greg is known for connecting expression and emotion to language use, best exemplified by his legendary Morning Reading sessions, which incorporate humor, props, wacky stories, and stunts. His advanced knowledge of Chinese language also gives him an edge when understanding and communicating with his students, all the while maintaining a genuine English-Only environment.

Meanwhile, Greg has arranged, supported, and actively taken part in center-level and large-scale EF events alike. Likewise, his commitment to the center means he is always available to support center sales and drive student satisfaction when assistance is needed.

In these ways and many more, Greg has consistently brought passion and enthusiasm to his role, his students, and his center. We are grateful for all he has done and are very pleased to name him a star teacher!




Draw Xu

Beijing, 中关村中心

A long-time EF employee

Draw is a highly experienced and talented lead teacher who consistently brings professionalism and a strong work ethic to his role.

First and foremost, Draws teaching is known to be top-notch. He is able to teach almost any topic, and he can be always counted on to deliver high-quality lessons. This makes him widely respected among ZGC students, especially Beginners, who appreciate that he takes extra time to answer questions and support their learning needs.

Meanwhile, as a team member, Draw is helpful and flexible, and approaches changes with a positive attitude. Indeed, he has been willing to support whenever needed as the center navigated various challenges during the pandemic and beyond.

We thank Draw for his positive attitude and his commitment to excellence in teaching, and congratulate him on this Star Teacher award!





David Gloria

Guangzhou, 高德置地中心

Join in 2019

Passionate about supporting students outside of class, he became EEC in 2020. In this role, he created a complete training package for Student Ambassadors and actively helped to develop them through regular training and observations. Likewise, to pursue his own professional development, he earned a CertTESOL in 2021.

After transferring to GTC in August of 2021, David quickly became a beloved member of the team. He led the first Student Ambassador recruitment and reorganization with the CM, which later led to the creation of a streamlined and enthusiastic Student Ambassador group.

Through these projects and others, David has played a proactive role in promoting cross-team collaboration and student engagement. The Star Teacher title is well-deserved given his dedication and contribution at EF!




Melody Dong

Hangzhou, 武林中心

Joined in 2016

Melody has always been one of the most soft-spoken members of the Education team in Wulin Center, but she has some of the strongest relationships with her teammates.

As WLCs Beginner Expert, Melody noticed that beginner students were not actively participating in center events because they were too challenging. Therefore, with the help of other local teachers and Progress Managers, Melody worked on a beginner needs survey, which led to the introduction of targeted activities for Beginners. As these become more and more well-attended, the center decided to convert them into Life Club offerings, thus increasing the centers show-up and seats taken rates. These sessions were next launched regionally, and now with the help of local teachers and DoSes in the East, the Beginner basics product is delivered nationally.

It is inspiring to see how one person can so widely impact our students and business. We thank Melody for this and her many other contributions!




Kai Li

Beijing, 国贸中心

Joined in 2011

During the pandemic, he had to re-evaluate his career path and decided to become an English teacher at EFEC, exploring a whole new way of helping Chinese learners.

He understands the importance of customer satisfaction very well and cares deeply about studentslearning experience. To this end, he has developed a series of culture-related offsite Life Clubs that were delivered across Beijing and thoroughly enjoyed. Additionally, he eagerly seeks opportunities for professional growth through regional and in-center training, and has demonstrated his dedication to the teaching profession by completing the CertTESOL course in June 2021.

Kai says: I believe the world is like a book, and those who dont travel can only read the first page of it. I used to put my passion into developing travel products which allowed people to see the world on the wings of EF, and now Im on a parallel track where I dedicate myself to training more people to speak English, so they may have their own wings to explore the world.




Dylan Li

Shenzhen, 南山中心

Joined in 2016

Dylans influence is felt throughout the center thanks to his support for beginners; his in-demand Beginner Basics sessions have become a pillar of NSDs weekend offerings and environment. In these and all of his classes, his dynamic, creative, and well-grounded  approach to engaging students has elevated him as a role model within the teaching team.

In addition to his contributions in teaching, Dylan provides expectational support to new staff, quickly discerning their needs and offering personalized guidance. Furthermore, he goes above and beyond to make the center a welcoming place for all. One example of this is his much-loved English Environment video series known as OME(One-Minute English), which showcases NSDs engaging learning environment.

For all of these reasons, Dylan is a true shining star, and we are excited to congratulate him on being Decembers STAR teacher!




Michael Meng

Beijing, 万寿路中心

Joined in 2017

Over the past five years, Michael has truly embodied the spirit of Education Services; he consistently delivers service which exceeds students' expectations. Often in his own time, he follows up on studentslearning progress, helps them preview and review lesson content, and offers them personalized feedback.

He also actively engages with students in the WSL Work WeChat groups, including correcting linguistic errors and offering praise to help sustain motivation. As a result of his efforts, Michael has achieved among the highest ACES scores nationally. Many low-level students have especially benefited from his support, regaining the confidence to move forward with their English learning journey.

In addition to all of this, Michael provides exceptional sales and service support and works closely with the different functions toward achieving the same goal. All teams in the center very much enjoy working with Michael and thank him for his dedication!



谁是你心中的Star Teacher?


你想认识这些专业有料的EF Teacher吗?






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